How you can double the viewership of YouTube videos

Your help could double the viewership of YouTube videos.

I have been uploading some videos in the past on gaming and statistics education (YouTube channels: luke moonwalker, Ekonometrie vGretlu). Lately i visit YouTube often for tutorials and education.

I want to give you an opportunity to make YouTube great.

Fantastic are whole lists of video lecture and presentations. But I can only work in advance with author commment on the top of a playlist. I would love, that as there is comment section for individual YouTube Videos, there would be a comment for playlists as well.

In those comments I would like to see feedback from viewers, who could give us a clue, what was the education playlist about, what was the level required to understand the material and so on.

How can You help me? Please post a suggestion to YouTube. In order, how to do it, see this YouTube quick tutorial.

The YouTube inbox needs to melt down under the volume of this suggestion.
You can copy+paste this comment, or you can compose your own.

Eventually there might be whole online academies set up like KhanAcademy for University education. There is a lot of stuff for things like Photoshop and WordPress, but I can clearly imagine there might be all lectures for whole mayor degrees available online (education on business education, humanities, digital arts). More like or Udemy, but advanced.

Thanks very much, be well people,

Stay hungry. Stay foolish; 
Don´t Be evil; 
Astelavista, baby ;-)


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